Your Purpose is Valid

PURPOSE: 'the intention, aim or function of sth; the thing that sth is supposed to achieve.'

Your purpose for doing something is your reason for doing it.

You are purpose-built. God designed you for a purpose.

I know your past says some things, your present presents certain other things as well; you may have come into this world with two arms and for one reason or the other you’ve got one now…came into this world with a pretty face that’s all burnt now…yes, maybe it’s not your physic that’s burnt and disabled but your heart, your soul, your inner being. Maybe you keep trying to get up, rise above but keep experiencing obstruction, walls, barricades and whatever other blockages.

None of these changes what you were made for. A chair may break but that doesn’t change the fact that the designer made it to hold the weight (of someone that’s seated). Whatever you’ve gone through, are going through and are yet to go through does not change what you were made for. No matter what happens…..your purpose is valid!

Circumstances should never rob you of that fact. Let’s rise up, with all the brokenness and live for what we were made for. May be we can’t have that chair leg fixed but if you lean it against a tree, maybe someone can still sit on that chair…the tree hence helps this chair live out its purpose despite its brokenness.

Let’s hold and reach out to one another, lets help each other stand coz your purpose is as valid as mine. Reach out for the strength within, don’t give up on those dreams, passions, hopes…if you know that’s what you’re here for, that’s what God placed in that heart of  yours….go for it! Let nothing stop you coz God aint planning on that either. His word is not going back to Him void.

Your purpose is valid. 

Psalm 138:8, Rom 8:28, Job 22:2, Phil 4:13, Habakuk 2:3, Jer 1:5, Psalm 73:26, Is 49, s 55:11, Eccl 1:13-14, Ezra 10:14


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