A New Season

The song that came to life in my heart as the curtains slowly closed on 2020 is "Through it all" - by Darlene.

"You are forever in my life
You see me through the seasons
Cover me with Your hand
And lead me in Your righteousness
And I look to You
And I wait on You

I'll sing to You, Lord, a hymn of love
For Your Faithfulness to me
And I'm carried in everlasting arms
You'll never let me go through it all."

Seasons come, and they go. I believe every individual went through different seasons throughout the past year; and our summary of the year depends on our kind of vision and our recognition of those seasons - their purpose.
Whichever, whatever, wherever; God carried you and I through them all. He never let us go and no matter the outcomes of those seasons, He remains Lord, He remains who He is - He does not change. He is faithful. He is dependable.

We've crossed over; still we look to Him.
A new season!
An opportunity to draw even closer, go even deeper, seek even further.
Still, He will see us through each season of 2021, of that we are confident...we've proven it over and over.

On this our new journey, have we counted the cost?
How much of me (us) will I let die that Christ may be exalted in me (us) this year, 2021?
What intentional measures are my (we) putting in place for that to happen?

A blessed 2021 to you all. May it be filled with the fullness of God.


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