Let loose
About a month before all this quarantining, I had had her locked up. Then 'someone' called lock-down visited and I decided I was going to keep miss thicket isolated indeed…till this visitor had left. Kama mbaya mbaya!
I developed a plan…wash, “repair”, wash, “repair”… I even bonded with this so much that I’ve started to get these strange ideas that I can have a future in the salon business
but eh!

Hmmm…. I have heard how some visitors can decide to threaten to become permanent residents. Ssabalockdown is one of them; it has really overstayed and I tried to push one last time naye nebigana.
Score: Ssabalockdown – 4, Me – 3
I have had to let my ‘prisoner’ out... and I realized I’ve actually really missed her; so glad she’s back.
Are there abilities, skills, passions, gifts, ideas, dreams , a call etc that you for one reason or the other locked down, fenced up, shut out, swept under, hushed up about? Has this past period of time stirred something up in your heart and mind regarding these things?
Or, it could be a grudge, an experience, an incident, relationship/friendship, an encounter, a turn down, failure (the list can be endless) that you’ve tucked away in a bed of negative energy and emotions (anger, unforgiveness, resentment, fear, low self-esteem, distrust, skepticism, etc)
…whichever way and whatever it is…
Do not be afraid; release your ‘prisoner.’
It’s about time.
Interestingly, it's not just the 'prisoner' who goes free - you too are set free
It's delightful!

“Stand fast therefore in the liberty by which Christ has made us free, and do not be entangled again with a yoke of bondage.” – Galatians 5:1
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