Fighting Forward

Sometimes life is like a never ending cycle of almost getting there and then not. Things start to go seemingly well and then out of the blue, yellow and green everything seems to suddenly fade… ebb.

Maybe a project you’ve resumed 500 times to no end, a dream you penned and that’s as much as you have done for the past 10 years, several job interviews that come so close only to fall silent, a building that’s not walling up, a character you’re trying to build that seems to be moving in inches, a budding friendship that’s showing no sign of blooming, the list could be endless or even a combination of all and more.

Scenarios start to play out in your mind; theories of why and why not, ranging from self blame to blaming others including the neighbour’s dog and the buckle on your shoe. You feel trapped, overwhelmed, weak, seemingly defeated.

However, the Word of God says it is then that you are strong. It is then that we can exercise our faith in Him. It is then that His power is made perfect and His glory put on display for all to see. (2Cor 12:9-10)

Like a good soldier, press on…endure to the end. Keep up that fight of faith, because your Father is a faithful King, more than able, full of compassion, mighty to save, a tree of life, a spring of fresh living water… a kind that never runs dry.

Almost naturally, things come and go; circumstances, situations, money, resources, people… but His Word remains - God does not change. “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God stands forever.” Is 40:8

Be anchored in it.

Also, you stay. After the winds have tossed about, and the storm has unsettled things and dust settles; you too remain. What version of you remains?

Is it a better you or not? Is it a you still grounded and founded on this Unchanging Word or is it a version of you that has been overcome by doubt and fear?

As you fight on this week and the rest of the year, make sure to come out refined, purified and not charred.

There is no door that the Lord cannot open. Have faith. Trust Him.

Blessed week friends.


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