He is a Good Father
I am sure, like me you have mornings when you wake up to a song…one that you’ll sing or hum over and over again. Often you’ll find that that song is speaking to a situation in your life at that particular time or maybe speaking into someone else’s life…here is a piece for both ways.
Today, my song is “Good good Father” - Chris
Tomlin or Housefires
If you can, I’d like for you to listen to the song
before you go ahead to read the rest of this.
Sometimes it will feel like God is deaf, insensitive, dumb, cruel and cold. Thank God it’s just a feeling coz the fact is way different.
God is good, so good. It is just for some reason so much easier to focus on all that is not well, all that is not right, all that aint working, all that aint shifting, all that’s keeping you worried, anxious, nervous and in limbo…looking at where you’d hoped things would be and where you actually are now, at dreams that still seem so distant and plans that just remain on paper and in your mouth, at things lost, things seemingly dying, maybe an ill family member, a ‘derailed’ teenager, a corrupt boss, a cruel world - fighting, bloodshed, acts of inhumanity…name it.
It seems like so much: so much negative, so much evil, and so much pain. But that’s where our eyes are focused. That’s where we want to look. That’s where we make our home and cuddle up with it all. I am not saying we should sit back and let evil go on or let negative just have its way. All I am saying is celebrate the good, coz its almost always staring us in the face, we just don’t choose to see it. And cuddling up with the negative never gets us anywhere, only makes us feel worse, makes us say things we shouldn’t and do things we regret. Whilst looking at and celebrating the good makes us happier, brighter and more productive.
There are evenings when I go to bed truly thankful for that bed and beddings (especially cold nights) coz next morning I’ll see men and women, even children that slept on the streets. At times all I’ll have is enough to buy a kidanzi or a banana instead of a desired full meal yet someone out there last ate days ago. I’ll have a neighbour or workmate or sometimes even a total stranger share a smile with me and someone out there doesn’t even seem to remember what to smile is. I have a community to belong to, friends and family to share life with, a job…if you’re reading this you have the opportunity to use a PC or phone…before we even go there you are alive and have the opportunity to use this day to move forward and higher. You are not in your grave turning and wishing you had today. In fact, you have the opportunity to share your seemingly ‘small’ blessing with someone else – sharing it fascinatingly makes it larger.
This is probably cliché, but indeed count your
blessings…name them one by one, one by one and it will surprise you what the
Lord has done, scratch that … what He is doing.
It’s funny how we frequently make our own plans, chart our own ways and solutions in ways that even don’t please God and then call Him to endorse or perform or wave His wand over it all, yet He is the beginning; our all-knowing creator. And then throw a tantrum when He doesn’t do as we have told Him to or appears to delay. Sometimes we’re going through the consequences of our very own actions; but even then, in the midst of that God is still good to us.
God has brought us through much more than we care
to recognize at times. He is a good Father and that’s just who He is. He will
let the rain pour, and the sun come out and the plants grow. He will give you
breath, a friend, a child, strength, health, bitaano to push you to the next
day, strength to fight through your illness etc. … not because you deserve it,
not because you do right by Him (we almost always fail Him) but because that’
just who He is - GOOD … and perfect in
all His ways. He LOVES you.
I hope you can listen to this song and meditate on
the Lord’ goodness in your life
Bless you.
"Good Good Father"
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