Moving forward, getting stronger!

It's such a blessing to step into yet another year. Often when we start another year we would like to think of it as an opportunity to finish up what wasn't and or try all over again where we didn't exactly make good progress or set new targets and goals and so on and so forth.

Personally 2011 was not so bad a year. And yes I had unfinished business which I intend to finish up. I still have lots of  lovely dreams to see unfold; those hoped and planned for and even those that will come as surprises.

However, generally life to me is more like an ever rolling ball. It just keeps moving; rolling in the right direction, then off track a little, then back, a few bumps here and there, hard knocks too and sometimes a good long smooth ride of a roll etc depending on several other factors.

Therefore in a way, new year or not, we keep going, we keep moving; hoping, dreaming, working etc in order to reach our various goals, in order to see all those dreams come true. And yes time/seasons set boundaries and timelines, I agree... ...

My prayer for you this year, 2012 is that you will take more steps in the right direction. There will definitely be more bumps and scratches, holes and ditches but I pray that you will be even stronger than before, that no matter what you will not give up trying to roll in the right direction and that in the midst of all this, come end of year, that you will look back and smile and think of what a good ride you had.

Hold onto those dreams, work towards them. Even when it seems pointless, like you continuously hit dead ends; keep going.

It's just a few days into the new year and may be some of you are not seeing any good signs yet. Keep positive, keep focused, keep going and pray too. Hang onto hope and have faith.

Several bricks are piled up together to make a strong beautiful building.

Let this year be one of those bricks that is going to hold together a strong and beautiful you i.e spiritually, emotionally, financially, socially ... name it.

So here's is to 2012, another step in the right direction :)



  1. merci love. have a blessed one too! hugs, Linda


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