"Less than" ?... ... ... No way!

It's interesting how some people like to make others feel like they don't  fit in. Always picking on them, looking for the negatives and bullying them. I am not sure why one would enjoy making someone's life complicated but I do know that certain insecurities would feature somewhere in that basket of answers to this question.

Well I must confess that sometimes when people question my level of responsibility, sanity, intelligence and I don't know what else, I get a bit edgy; my self esteem shaken and low. But again I like to walk away and think to myself;

"No one is perfect, no one knows everything and everyone makes mistakes. It's just a matter of how you move on from there. So you're not pulling me down or making me feel "less than" coz yes I may have made a mistake but there are quite a number of things I am great at and I will soon add this to the list too. Just watch this space."

I am not making excuses for clumsiness but I am just saying it's not worth it or human to make someone feel worse than they are already feeling.

I wonder if I too have been in the habit of making others feel horrible about themselves. Oh! forgive me Lord wherever I have done so and give me the grace to work on it.

You are not "less than." You are a uniquely designed individual with unique qualities. You may not be good at certain things but you are definitely good at something. And so many things would be different (negatively) if you were not here. So many things are wonderful because you are here. So many people are glad to have you in their lives.

Believe in yourself, believe also in others! ;)

You are totally not "less than," you are special.



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