Its been a while...
Yes it has. There seems to be too much to do, too many things calling for your attention; my attention. These days I lose track of time. Its just one day then the next and the next; before long I cant believe a month is gone. And yet at the same time I cant help but feel that so much is still left undone.
are coming close to the middle of this year. While I realised I had spent some
time without writing (here) I also realised I had some questions to answer. I
didn't quite make resolutions this year but I did/ do have an idea of what I'd
want to have accomplished by the end of the year. So I had a moment of far am I with all this "I have an idea ABC should be at
least somewhere by end of year" Am I on track? Is the main point still the
main point? Am I trying to hold too much at a time? (which I feel like a lot
these days)
Yet when one tries to glimpse into the future (not that we know whats there but you know ...dreams; long time plan etc) all these things that seem to be spilling through your hands seem to be a sort of foundation for what you see ahead.
what happens? What do I do? As always we all know the first stop (yet I know
that at times its actually the last stop we make; I make{shame!})There is
always that one place I can run to for comfort,
direction, assurance, love, understanding; name it.
remedies: breathe... take a moment, don't panic, find out:
did I start? Where am I at? How much further is there to go? How shall I do this?
What do I need?
relaxed, re think through it all and continue on the journey.
If for some of these 'resolutions' you feel like the bus left already, believe me its never too late. Just get that necessary, luggage and get moving.
Our dreams are to be realised and our callings lived......
i must add doing the above and more can prove so much harder than said.....
However, never give up and keep the focus....We, I, You will get there someday.......
Hey, thanks for the invite! This is lovely. Do keep at it. Don't disappoint your readers ;-)