The beginning....

For everything there is a beginning and an end. Or should I say for most things.
But at least there is usually a beginning; a starting point, a point of birth.
Sometimes we start and get weary along the way. Sometimes we start and either decide or choose to turn back. Sometimes we start and keep going but deep inside keep wishing we hadn't taken that first step or wonder why we set out.

Sometimes we start and though the journey is rough tiring and long we keep moving, keep pushing; do all we can to get to the finish line. And when we do make it we look back at all those footprints, how far we came and are glad that we did it anyway.
Sometimes it's not clear how, why or what we are on these different journeys for. But whether long or short lived, they are all for a reason, a purpose and hold a message not just for us but for the people around us too.
So here is to one of those beginnings; whether long or short lived, I hope that the journey I'm starting now which is a bit like a subset of a much greater journey; life, will not be just a blessing and point of discovery for me but for someone else too.... for His glory!


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